Friday, 21 August 2009

Length of Meditation

Yogic science says that there are specific lengths of time needed for certain desired effects during meditation. Most meditations are done for 11 or 31 minutes.

3 minutes of meditation affects the electromagnetic field, the circulation and stability of the blood.

11 minutes of meditation begins to change the nerves and the glandular system.

22 minutes of meditation balances the three minds, and they begin to work together.

31 minutes of meditation allows glands, breath, and concentration to affect all the cells ad rhythms of the body. It lets the psyche of the meditation affect the 3 gunas, all 31 tattvas, and all layers of the mind’s projections.
62 minutes changes the gray matter in the brain. The subconscious “shadow mind” and the outer projection are integrated.

2.5 hours changes the psyche in its co-relation with the surrounding magnetic field so that the subconscious mind is held firmly in the new pattern by the surrounding universal mind.
Meditation Sadhana

“There are two guiding instincts in man. He is either improving his future or blocking his future improvement. If you are conscious of this, and have an honest and sincere urge to improve the future, you will always have promoting habits. If you cannot care for God, at least care for the future.”

– Yogi Bhajan

To master the effects of a meditation, practice it as a sadhana, a daily discipline. This will develop a life-promoting habit. Habit controls us so much that it is said that we can actually change our destiny by changing our habits. According to yogic science, the human mind works in cycles. We can use various cycles to help replace unwanted patterns of behavior (mental or emotional habits), with new, more positive ones. One commits to a particular meditation or kriya for a specific time:

It takes 40 days to change a habit.
It takes 90 days to confirm the habit.
In 120 days, the new habit is who you are.
In 1,000 days, you have mastered the new habit.

The duration of 40 days of practice lets the meditation provoke your subconscious to release any thoughts and emotional patterns that hinder you. A good meditation will break your old patterns, put in a seed for a new pattern, and clear the subconscious. Try to meditate at the same time each day. It is helpful to keep a journal of your daily practice.

From The Aquarian Teacher Page 136

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Pineal Gland – the Spiritual ‘Third Eye’

Biologically as well as spiritually, the gland’s significance is due to its function as a neurohormone secretor as well as its ability to receive and send subtle energy electromagnetic waves.

Our pineal gland is our bodily transformative device for recognizing subtle energies and making them accessible for/to our conscious mind. Its state of health/wellbeing is a basic condition
for our ability to adapt to increasingly higher frequencies of cosmic radiation.

"the ruler of holistic health" written by Animee Lange

Monday, 10 August 2009



每日起床後鮮榨一個檸檬,加入一杯200CC溫開水調和(可加少許天然海鹽、口感更 滑潤順口),空腹慢慢喝下,可以清潔腎臟,也可通大小便。

將12個新鮮檸檬榨汁(要喝之前再榨汁、現榨現喝),加入適量溫開水 調和(可加少許天然海鹽、口感更滑潤順口),連續喝七天(一天一打檸檬喝7天、其餘飲食照舊)。細小的砂石就會由尿道排出。排出的時候,會有刺痛的感覺;如果腎結石很大,已經造成發炎疼痛,可以喝小紅莓汁來消炎止痛。




  1. 食用過多的動物夆玟J白質食物,產生過多尿酸,讓腎臟工作過量。
  2. 工作過勞,壓力太大,沒有充分的休閒。
  3. 服用西藥,如消炎止痛藥、抗生素等。
  4. 環境污染:水源、土壤、空氣、噪音。
  5. 飲用酒、咖啡、汽水、冰冷飲料過多。
  6. 潮濕寒冷的天氣。


Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Instant hands-free Reiki self-care

Most of us are way too busy these days, with packed schedules, hectic commutes, and obligations in all directions. But every one of us has time for a little Reiki self-care now and then during our busy days.

Here are 10 ways to give yourself an instant energy shift with Reiki in complete privacy, even in public.


More articles at

Saturday, 1 August 2009




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